Sunday, March 28, 2010

Start of my Erevision!

It's been one month since i last blogged here! And I apologize for not always being there for you when you need me.

You know i still love you! =)

It's been a long long month with lots of work and my working hours starts from 8am to 8pm with my leaving house for as long as 16 hours.

I know it's not easy to maintain a relationship when i keep choosing to sleep the moment i reach home. But I promise that i will try to stay up as long as i can.

31 march 2010 marks the end of my short journey with Resorts World and i shall focus on my Exams in the coming month. As i've told you, I tendered my resignation earlier.

And here's a good news, I've told my sister to get for you your BIG BLACK spectacles which you have been craving for.

And for me, I maybe get a shirt or a bag. LOL!

Okay, gotta go then, Back to revision!

With love,


My Super unglamorous photo till date!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Studying and Keep Studying

I Miss Dar Dar!


Thank You for your show and the stupid lame Plants V.s. Zombies game!

Hug you,

With loves,

Monday, March 8, 2010

Why I haven been Blogging?

I Know I haven't been Blogging here and I apologize! hehe.

I'll try to blog here when i have time.


Thanks Dar Dar for the hair cut and also to thank your mum for the delicious Dinner!

Although i didn't get to eat your Ice-cream but Guess it's a blessing and reminder to tell me that I shouldn't be eating those! hehe.

Oh, I'll be Changing the Blog song if it's okay for you?


Love Dar Dar