Sunday, March 28, 2010

Start of my Erevision!

It's been one month since i last blogged here! And I apologize for not always being there for you when you need me.

You know i still love you! =)

It's been a long long month with lots of work and my working hours starts from 8am to 8pm with my leaving house for as long as 16 hours.

I know it's not easy to maintain a relationship when i keep choosing to sleep the moment i reach home. But I promise that i will try to stay up as long as i can.

31 march 2010 marks the end of my short journey with Resorts World and i shall focus on my Exams in the coming month. As i've told you, I tendered my resignation earlier.

And here's a good news, I've told my sister to get for you your BIG BLACK spectacles which you have been craving for.

And for me, I maybe get a shirt or a bag. LOL!

Okay, gotta go then, Back to revision!

With love,


My Super unglamorous photo till date!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Studying and Keep Studying

I Miss Dar Dar!


Thank You for your show and the stupid lame Plants V.s. Zombies game!

Hug you,

With loves,

Monday, March 8, 2010

Why I haven been Blogging?

I Know I haven't been Blogging here and I apologize! hehe.

I'll try to blog here when i have time.


Thanks Dar Dar for the hair cut and also to thank your mum for the delicious Dinner!

Although i didn't get to eat your Ice-cream but Guess it's a blessing and reminder to tell me that I shouldn't be eating those! hehe.

Oh, I'll be Changing the Blog song if it's okay for you?


Love Dar Dar

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

JB trip

I went to JB with Dar Dar, Jimmy, Cheryl and Viper last thursday.

Jimmy had rent a Car and we drove in. First stop was City Square where we had a meal and some shopping.

Dar Dar bought a set of Bra and Panties. Then, We drove to Jusco where we thought we could catch a movie there.

Unfortunately, There wasn't any nice movies on show. =(

Still, I got to buy a Hong Kong instant noodles back since i don't get to see HK manufactured Instant noodles brand in Singapore so might as well try! I must be a Fan of instant noodles ain't I?

By the time we are done at Jusco, it was 10pm. Jimmy wanted to drive to Kota Tinggi as it was a Full moon and that place there have one of the best spot for Star Glazing!

I got to say that it was beautiful and The Full moon surely brighten up the sky.

We drove back at a high speed of 100km/h on a pitch dark road due to our hungry stomachs.

And we had lunch at a Hawker where they serve delicious Zi Cha!

And I shall let the pictures do the rest of the talking.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I went to the Theme Park yesterday since they recently open up the theme park for internal guest to shop and if we're lucky, we get to try some of the rides! I was there with QQ and Jun Xiong.

And Lucky i was, 1 of the popular rides was open for ridership! It's called "Revenge of the Mummy!

And unfortunately, It was the only attraction which i got to try since i had to run for school around 2pm.

Nonetheless, it was fun. I shall not spoil the excitement any further. =)

Then, We had lunch at one of the Food & Beverage outlet. It was 50% off for all the internal staff but when it was our turn, THEY RUN OUT OF RICE!

So, all 3 of us were like eating salad and meat without the rice. =X

BUT, the cashier did something great of us, she waived us off the bill and we had FREE LUNCH!

So we can't complain isn't it. Hehe

At 2pm, I went for class and Jun Xiong came to crash too. We were planning to go for movie at AMK hub after my class so he might as well crash and wait for us instead of going home and come out agian.

We watched Legion. It was a movie about an Angel choosing to protect mankind against God.

I think the show is very good for the first 1 hour or so but rushed the ending. The ratings given for this show is 2 /5 stars!

And now i can see why. Anyway, tomorrow Dar Dar is going to Johor Bahru but i haven't receive any calls to work yet!

I was sharing with JX and QQ about how frustrating it is to be part of a "over-staff" situation.

It means that not everybody can work even if we are available.

Although i have been very patient with the management, I do find that this management style isn't very nice. There's a lof of mis-communication here and there.

And what people look into a part-time job is the flexibility nature of the job. But, what the management currently expects is a full-shift work or NO work. =(

I guess I shall wait and see. Afterall, I do have my studies and revision to worry other than this part-time job.

It shall not be the main priority surrounding me for now as least.

Hugs and loves,

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dar Dar busy day!

Normally saturday i will meet Dar Dar but today, She have to help her god-sis's sister-in-law to do her hair.

As it was something that had agreed on for awhile, I guess have to give in. =)

Initially, if i do not have something on for Sunday, I could have still make it for meet Dar Dar but tomorrow is my Poly god-mum, Candise's wedding!

She is my first poly female friend to be married off! ACtually, Darren was first but his case was different.

I saw on facebook that his wife is expected to give birth to a baby daughter in about 5 week times! And best of all, All 3 of them are borned in the year of the TIGER!!

So sweet! And I make sure I send my blessing to them when their daughter come into this world! =) I feel so happy for Darren.

Today, I learnt a very Valuable lesson on Auctioning! However, It was due to a poor decision being over-run by emotions.

I got to have to learn how to control my emotions better!

Since this weekend couldn't really see my Dar Dar, I hope her illness is recovering well.

*Get Well Soon O.o*

Hug you!


Friday, January 22, 2010

My first "Profit" from Stocks!

As the title has stated above, I had made my first Profit from trading after selling my Genting shares.

I had held onto the shares for 2 months since November and as today's market condition was performing badly, I had decided to sell!

Although i had to cut almost half of my profits but at least i do not have my money pinned into the stocks should the stock price fall even further! True or true? TRUE!

Other than having sold of my stock, everything was normal as Friday comes to an end.

I had a quite afternoon nap when i got home and Now, I'm waiting to call Dar Dar since i haven't got the chance to talk to her last night.


Must go visit her tomorrow! Hehe


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Studying and playing!

I woke up at 4am in the morning just to watch a very important Liverpool game against Tottenham!

Eventually, LFC won 2-0! whoohoo!

Then, i went back to sleep and woke up at 12pm!

Actually, on Wednesday, Singtel personnel had came to install their Mio TV which i had subscribed for the football channel to be activated in august later this year.

For now, I can watch all their channels FREE for the next 30 days. Although i have heard many people saying bad stuff of Mio TV, i can now understand why.

The connection part is something to moan over. Just wanting to ON my TV and waiting for the channel to load already took like 2 to 3 minutes! OMG!

Can you imagine starring at your blank TV screen for that LONG until the images appear?!

Anyway, Its been a rather peaceful day and yes, I have eaten quite alot!

Haiz, Have to cut down on my Junk food!

So, gonna call my Dar Dar soon!

Love and hugs,

*Cute boy*

Taken when waiting for Dar Dar to cut my hair!

My Mio TV installed!

Mio TV!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Seminar Weekend!

It's been 4 or 5 days since i last blogged!

It was a busy weekend having to wake up at 7am early but it was definitely worth my time!

On saturday, i went down to meet Dar Dar after the seminar for dinner.

Dar Dar said that there is some home cook food that day and I was super happy!

Haven't eaten home cook food for awhile.

Sunday, I went down to harbourfront again.

But this time, I met up with my poly friends for Kang An's 24th birthday!

We had fine dining at Festive Hotel, RWS!

It was at a discounted price of $23 per person and after that we hang out at Mount Faber.

We had a small talk among the gang and at 1.30Am, we head home.

Will stop here today since there's work tml! Back to sentosa i guess!

Love and hugs,

Saturday, January 16, 2010

CNY shopping!

I was suppose to work on Thursday but i backed out last minute.

Didn't really have a quarrel with Dar Dar but i was truly in a difficult position as to commit myself to work and relationship.

Like I've explained, I was required to work 16 hours a week and I obviously haven't done so this week. And with Seminars coming over this weekend, I had little choice but to put my name down for work on Thursday.

However, After all day of work on Wednesday, I had KFC for dinner at harbourfront. And when i finished my meal, it was exactly 9pm!

So i walked over to Jean Yip to fetch Dar Dar.

I know Dar Dar was very disappointed that i had chosen to work before hand And thats when all the "little Quarreling" came in.

After some thoughts, I told myself to as well try asking if they'll allow me to not work on Thursday.

They agreed and Thursday became a OFF day for me! Good or good? GREAT!

Like I've spoken, If i have a choice, I would rather work on a weekend and meet Dar Dar on her OFF day!

But that's a BIG "IF"

Anyway, It's been settled and I accompanied my Dar Dar to whole of Thursday!

Watching Guess show and cooking Instant noodles!

In the evening, We met up with Cheryl and her Girlfriend to do our CNY clothes shopping!

Dar Dar had wanted to get a couple Tee to wear this coming CNY and i thought it would be nice.

Again, Many thanks for the gift Cheryl!

After shopping, we had a super duper late dinner @ JustAcia!

It's a budget yet comfortable place to chill out!

Top it up with FREE FLOW of drinks, Ice creams for as little as $5.90! Good or good? =)

Tomorrow got seminar and I'll sleep early today,

Hugs and loves,

Sweet Dar Dar!

曲名:我爱他 歌手: 丁当

他的镜框留在 某一节车厢
地下铁里的风 比回忆还重

对他唯一(如果还有)遗憾 是分手那天
我奔腾的眼泪 都停不下来
若那一刻重来 我不哭

我爱他 轰轰烈烈最疯狂
我的梦 狠狠碎过却不会忘
曾为他 相信明天就是未来
情节有多坏 都不肯醒来

我爱他 跌跌撞撞到绝望
我的心 深深伤过却不会忘
我和他 不再属于这个地方
最初的天堂 最重的荒唐

如果还有遗憾 又怎么样呢
伤了痛了懂了 就能好了吗

我爱他 轰轰烈烈最疯狂
我的梦 狠狠碎过却不会忘
逃不开 爱越深越互相伤害
越深的依赖 越多的空白
我爱他 轰轰烈烈最疯狂
我的梦 狠狠碎过却不会忘
曾为他 相信明天就是未来
情节有多坏 都不肯醒来

我爱他 跌跌撞撞到绝望
我的心 深深伤过却不会忘
我和他 不再属于这个地方
最初的天堂 最重的荒唐

如果还有遗憾 又怎么样呢
伤了痛了懂了 就能好了吗
我奔腾的眼泪 都停不下来
若那一刻重来 我不哭

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Spoilt Camera?

I think my Casio camera is spoilt!

I was out there taking photos when i was working and every photo seems to be OVER EXPOSEURE!

All i have is black and white screen! OMG!

I shared this with my sister and she also dunno whats wrong with the camera.

My guess is that the lens could have been exposed directly to the sun or something.


Anyway, I am scheduled to work already! At least for tomorrow, since the full schedule hasn't come out yet.

Let's hope i do not need to work on thursday so that i can accompany my Dar Dar. But if they're short-handed or something, I guess i couldn't run away either.

Looks like I'll be waking up early for the rest of the week, From wednesday to sunday!


I'll try to take some photos using my handphone but maybe not upload them here. =X

Too dangerous!

Loves and hugs,

Taken in Taiwan!

My Free Lunch Coupon!

Nice packaging! LOL! ReTRO!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Studying or NOT?

Its been a peaceful day for me.

Woke up and my mum told me that she have to go hospital for training and I'll have to go to school early to take my lunch.

And that's what i did.

Reached school on time and had lunch with Meng Siang and QQ.

Macroeconomics lesson today is fast. I missed some of the notes here and there but guess I'll just have to read up on my own.

After class, I head home for dinner and then rest for the rest of the evening watching my Variety show. =)


Monday, January 11, 2010

Rest day!

I played basketball at 1pm today!

Whoohoo! Was happy and tired after the game today.

I've now played basketball twice this week!

And that's something to cheer for! =)

After basketball game, I have dinner with Jun Xiong and Kang An.

JX wanted to give a treat since he've collected his pay and we agreed.

After dinner was movie! We watched The Vampire Assistant which is something like Twilight, as proclaimed by JX since i haven't watched Twilight.

I find this show interesting as a human was turned into a half vampire in order to save his friend.

Then, It talks about the war within the Vampires themselves.

I wouldn't spoil any more of the story but just to let you all know that is some nice movie. =)

Loves and hugs,

Sunday, January 10, 2010

EMO-tional day!

It's been a long day for me!

LONG day of thoughts running through my mind.

I had met up with QQ in the afternoon to buy shoe (for our work) and did some catching up with him.

Sadly, meeting up on weekends isn't a GROUP effort anymore.

It's somewhat in a state of how much concern we have for the other party.

I shall not go into details here and I hope i can do something that i can to make our gang stay close, Even after our long gone school days.

So, back to topic, Meet up with Dar Dar after shopping with QQ.

Surprisingly, Jimmy, Cheryl and her girlfriend was here too. I guess it should have been something that i must get use to now. =)

We had dinner at Chinatown where the 奶油排骨 was good.

We ordered quite alot as usual and the bill chuck up to $87! OMG!

I know i shouldn't spend too much now that my pay is delayed But i guess what i can say is that this is the least i can offer!

Before i start working in as early as 3 weeks time and my whole schedule will be packed. By then, I may not even have the time to have a good meal even if i have the money.

So yeah, Live by the motto, "THIS IS IT" and never regret every single moment that have pass. =)

Loves and hugs,

Friday, January 8, 2010

First Morning Class of the year!

I slept very late last night waiting for Dar Dar to return home.

Dar Dar had went out to have fun at a Thai Disco.

But I have to apologize cause i slept before Dar Dar reached home eventually.

So, i sms Dar Dar this morning to greet her! hehe.

Anyway, I got back my test paper and assignment today!

Didn't do as well as i expected but I'll work harder next time!

Had a afternoon nap After reaching home from School and now waiting to call Dar Dar at midnight
