Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dar Dar busy day!

Normally saturday i will meet Dar Dar but today, She have to help her god-sis's sister-in-law to do her hair.

As it was something that had agreed on for awhile, I guess have to give in. =)

Initially, if i do not have something on for Sunday, I could have still make it for meet Dar Dar but tomorrow is my Poly god-mum, Candise's wedding!

She is my first poly female friend to be married off! ACtually, Darren was first but his case was different.

I saw on facebook that his wife is expected to give birth to a baby daughter in about 5 week times! And best of all, All 3 of them are borned in the year of the TIGER!!

So sweet! And I make sure I send my blessing to them when their daughter come into this world! =) I feel so happy for Darren.

Today, I learnt a very Valuable lesson on Auctioning! However, It was due to a poor decision being over-run by emotions.

I got to have to learn how to control my emotions better!

Since this weekend couldn't really see my Dar Dar, I hope her illness is recovering well.

*Get Well Soon O.o*

Hug you!


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