Saturday, January 16, 2010

CNY shopping!

I was suppose to work on Thursday but i backed out last minute.

Didn't really have a quarrel with Dar Dar but i was truly in a difficult position as to commit myself to work and relationship.

Like I've explained, I was required to work 16 hours a week and I obviously haven't done so this week. And with Seminars coming over this weekend, I had little choice but to put my name down for work on Thursday.

However, After all day of work on Wednesday, I had KFC for dinner at harbourfront. And when i finished my meal, it was exactly 9pm!

So i walked over to Jean Yip to fetch Dar Dar.

I know Dar Dar was very disappointed that i had chosen to work before hand And thats when all the "little Quarreling" came in.

After some thoughts, I told myself to as well try asking if they'll allow me to not work on Thursday.

They agreed and Thursday became a OFF day for me! Good or good? GREAT!

Like I've spoken, If i have a choice, I would rather work on a weekend and meet Dar Dar on her OFF day!

But that's a BIG "IF"

Anyway, It's been settled and I accompanied my Dar Dar to whole of Thursday!

Watching Guess show and cooking Instant noodles!

In the evening, We met up with Cheryl and her Girlfriend to do our CNY clothes shopping!

Dar Dar had wanted to get a couple Tee to wear this coming CNY and i thought it would be nice.

Again, Many thanks for the gift Cheryl!

After shopping, we had a super duper late dinner @ JustAcia!

It's a budget yet comfortable place to chill out!

Top it up with FREE FLOW of drinks, Ice creams for as little as $5.90! Good or good? =)

Tomorrow got seminar and I'll sleep early today,

Hugs and loves,

Sweet Dar Dar!

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