Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Spoilt Camera?

I think my Casio camera is spoilt!

I was out there taking photos when i was working and every photo seems to be OVER EXPOSEURE!

All i have is black and white screen! OMG!

I shared this with my sister and she also dunno whats wrong with the camera.

My guess is that the lens could have been exposed directly to the sun or something.


Anyway, I am scheduled to work already! At least for tomorrow, since the full schedule hasn't come out yet.

Let's hope i do not need to work on thursday so that i can accompany my Dar Dar. But if they're short-handed or something, I guess i couldn't run away either.

Looks like I'll be waking up early for the rest of the week, From wednesday to sunday!


I'll try to take some photos using my handphone but maybe not upload them here. =X

Too dangerous!

Loves and hugs,

Taken in Taiwan!

My Free Lunch Coupon!

Nice packaging! LOL! ReTRO!

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