Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I went to the Theme Park yesterday since they recently open up the theme park for internal guest to shop and if we're lucky, we get to try some of the rides! I was there with QQ and Jun Xiong.

And Lucky i was, 1 of the popular rides was open for ridership! It's called "Revenge of the Mummy!

And unfortunately, It was the only attraction which i got to try since i had to run for school around 2pm.

Nonetheless, it was fun. I shall not spoil the excitement any further. =)

Then, We had lunch at one of the Food & Beverage outlet. It was 50% off for all the internal staff but when it was our turn, THEY RUN OUT OF RICE!

So, all 3 of us were like eating salad and meat without the rice. =X

BUT, the cashier did something great of us, she waived us off the bill and we had FREE LUNCH!

So we can't complain isn't it. Hehe

At 2pm, I went for class and Jun Xiong came to crash too. We were planning to go for movie at AMK hub after my class so he might as well crash and wait for us instead of going home and come out agian.

We watched Legion. It was a movie about an Angel choosing to protect mankind against God.

I think the show is very good for the first 1 hour or so but rushed the ending. The ratings given for this show is 2 /5 stars!

And now i can see why. Anyway, tomorrow Dar Dar is going to Johor Bahru but i haven't receive any calls to work yet!

I was sharing with JX and QQ about how frustrating it is to be part of a "over-staff" situation.

It means that not everybody can work even if we are available.

Although i have been very patient with the management, I do find that this management style isn't very nice. There's a lof of mis-communication here and there.

And what people look into a part-time job is the flexibility nature of the job. But, what the management currently expects is a full-shift work or NO work. =(

I guess I shall wait and see. Afterall, I do have my studies and revision to worry other than this part-time job.

It shall not be the main priority surrounding me for now as least.

Hugs and loves,

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