Thursday, March 22, 2012

Goodwill. Compromise. Think Positive.

Wednesdays have always been the day of the week I look forward the most. Although i may not show it on my face, but on this day, I'm glad that my girlfriend gets her weekly due of rest. She works 6 days a week and thus, this is the only day for her to rest.

Despite such basis of view, I guess I overlooked the fact that my girlfriend is also willing to forgo her rest and accompany me, sometimes her friends as well. So, how do we draw such a line whereby both parties (If i may say) are coming from their own point of goodwill?

I personally doesn't own a car. But I have a wonderful uncle whom is willing to lend me his car to drive around when he leaves the country or that i just need to ask like during festive period. The bottom line here is that my uncle is willing to lend me his car and i usually borrow it when he doesn't drive in the night and i could save the taxi fare for my girlfriend.

So, this week, my uncle went overseas and here i was, thinking of driving the car, bringing my girlfriend around for a car date.

As fast as such plannings were decided, It burst into bubbles in the next minute. Everything turned out as you would have imagine; the Cooling-Off period and the conditions of "leaving her alone" as a gesture of freedom. 

So, that brings us back to our main point: Goodwill. I wouldn't dare say that I have totally put in lots of effort to make this happen but i also couldn't deny the fact that i tried planning for such things too. Truthfully, tell me where went wrong? Not to pin-point whose at fault, but rather to clear up our misunderstanding and hopefully gain a compromise.

Like I mentioned above, so what should we actually do when we now found out that both parties are coming from a point of their goodwill? Using back the first example, can we say that: "Nah, let's just rest at home and meet up for dinner instead?" and the other party would have been disappointingly say: "You totally waste my time and goodwill to forgo my rest day and chose to accompany you! I could have meet up with somebody else if you DON'T WANT TO MEET ME!"

I'm sure that a compromise would have easily settled our problem. But the compromise never came. We didn't really talked it out, did we? Shouldn't this be a simple problem that could have been solved if both parties were willing to communicate rationally? 

I don't know how many of you readers are probably thinking that if i could write some clear thoughts here, I should be in a situation of calm and composed. However, I beg to differ. I would rather say that it is through the para-phasing of writing this post that makes me clear up my thoughts. And this is what i wanted, didn't I?

When in a situation of information and emotion overload, our line of thoughts just wouldn't work well right? And this blog is slowly turning into a organizer of such information and emotional stuff for me. I can say that I do felt a little clear-headed after writing the previous two post. 

I know that the amount of negative energy emitted from my emotions have dent my confidence. This isn't something i would have like. Always remember that Law of Attractions would see that this negative energy will indeed start to materialize in some form later on in your life. So, as of the 3rd day into our Cooling-off Period, I have decided that I've sank low enough with the demoralization of my self confidence. 

Next direction i should be heading is back to my usual mode of positive energy and self confidence. After-all, how am i suppose to prepare for my final examinations if I'm constantly worrying about such relationship problem. I'm sure that this is also what my girlfriend would like me to do when we're into this Cooling-Off period.

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