Friday, March 23, 2012

Progress. Friendzoned. Stay Strong

It's been 4 days since we last talked on the phone or have any verbal form of communication. It's quite a depressing sight to wake up in the morning, knowing that i do not have anything exciting to look forward to.

Despite me saying that i lacked particular effort or element of surprise, i guess personally, I still look forward into talking and hearing her voice over the phone. Even though we might ask here that if i miss her so dearly, why didn't i head to her workplace and get her?

Beats me. I guess I'm getting confused as the days pass. What started as a gentleman agreement into a Cooling-off period might start to turn unsightly. To say the truth, I'm not sure whether i might be able to hold out my side of the bargain as the days went by.

I once hear advices that I should probably establishing communication proactively after a while. And i agreed. After the past 3 days, I do find myself stabilizing much in terms of my composure and emotions. Maybe I should try to establish more messaging in the days to come.For now, It have always been greetings that was exchanged and I sent a "I miss you badly".

However, little did I expect a less than kind reply. I sank into another emotional experience, once again. The aftertaste sure isn't a sweet one. But i guess if i were to persevere, I'm sure i might be able to send my thoughts to here as well, not just the message.

Another part of a recent feelings from our message seems like I'm getting FRIENDZONED! I know i might sound paranoid and i don't deny that, But i guess the cold shoulders isn't going down well for me yet. 

Although things ain't as smooth as i had wanted, I must say that situation might have started to improved. I'm getting my feelings more sorted out and i hope my approach to my girlfriend isn't too aggressive.

I'm taking in my friend's advices of "showing my support", even if I had to suppress my needs of company. Hopefully, what I'm doing will improve our communications and our Cooling-off Period can be short-lived. 

Stay Strong, my girlfriend, And ME!

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