Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Breaking the news. Goal Setting. Watch me Rise.

After our breakup, I guess the next part is the informing of our parents that can be quite a challenge. For relationships that involved meeting the parents session, I guess we got ourselves a little explanation to them.

Our relationship have progressed to the point whereby we have met each others parent. Hence, I would say it is only fair that we tell them our breakup. I had initially planned to tell my mum on the night we broke up. However, I backed out at the last minute. I thought i might need some time to be able to phrase it better.

It was only the following day that my mum asked about my ex-girlfriend. We were having dinner and after dinner, we would sit in front of the TV watching news. Coincidentally, the news was flashing something about the new flats that HDB is releasing for the next month.

What followed next was that question. My mum mentioned about home ownership planning with my now ex-girlfriend. And I dropped the bomb. I don't know how shocked my mum was but she just commented about how long our relationship had lasted. Maybe she felt that we could have talked it out?

Nonetheless, my explanation was short and sweet. It's focus quickly switched towards my stability of exams preparation. I assured her, just like i assured my ex-girlfriend, that i will not neglect my studies.

I was telling my friend that this exam preparation had indeed came at a right time probably. My ex-girlfriend could use work to distract her thoughts while i could also numb myself with all the subject guides and lecture notes.

Fast forward a bit, I'm glad I took the baby step in planning our my study calendar today. Including today, I've allocated a minimum of 17 days per module. Hopefully, I could use this time as efficient as possible.

Moving on with a very minimum planning could be disastrous. Which is why I've decided to affirm my plans to as least till the end of the year. Some short-term goal setting could really guide my direction in life a little more.As with most students, I'm concentrated in preparing for my final exams which will end in May 2012.

After which, I would like to start working. I've received advices from experiences that graduated last year that we will not be able to use our bachelor for a job until our graduation is confirmed in earliest, September 2012. While that's the confirmation of graduation, I also found out that the certificate will only be available for collection only in February 2013, which would be next year.

Hence, in anticipation of the news for graduation, I'm prepared to undergo internship opportunities that would give me exposures into certain industry that I'm aiming to go into. Alternatively, I'm also prepared to take up diploma positions which could also be a temporary or full-time position that allows a promotion after which my graduation is confirmed. As when all else fails, I'm still prepared to take up employment with my diploma for full-time positions to accumulate my work experience for up to 1 year.

With regards to relationship issues, I'll leave it to time and nature. But I've prioritized more important issues in front of me for now. Hopefully, I do get to meet my dream girl somewhere in the near future. As mentioned in the middle of my post, I've now allocated the remaining months to revision and I'm not going to blog as much as I had done for the last one week or so.

I thank you readers, whom had read through my thoughts process and I hope my experiences had taught you something or at least brought you some insights. I also like to thank my close friends, brothers whom have accompanied me when I'm was literally feeling the lowest point of my life. I'm recovering slowly from this set-back but surely, I still work towards my goal of financial freedom and a blissful family.

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