Thursday, March 22, 2012

Stress. Decummulation. Personality. Study Hard

The psychological definition of stress arises when individuals perceived that they cannot adequately cope with the demands being made on them or with threats to their well being. In short, It means that stress arises when we can't possibly handle the amount of pressure that was piled unto us.


I admit that stress is slowly creeping into my confidence and composure. This can also be shown in the actions I've done, questions I've asked. Just how should I had handled just a situation whereby I can't even do anything to get myself out nor sustain this pressure?

For those who doesn't know, the problem I'm facing is a Cooling-Off Period with my girlfriend of 7+ years. I always thought I'm equipped with strong stress management ability. Less i realized that I could only take so much on my emotional handling part.

Nonetheless, this post isn't about describing how stressful i am and picture a victimization. It's about my thoughts and rather focusing on how much i could resolve this painful and hurtful experience of pressure.

I'm lucky to have 2 close friends of mine to accompany on the Wednesday that was suppose to be a date with my girlfriend. I reckoned that staying home was too unbearable for me. For this part, I really thank you for being such a good friend and brother to me.

We really do lots of stupid things over all this years. But last night, I really had a good chance of relieving myself from all this pressure that was piled up. The part whereby we went for karaoke in Bedok and sang our hearts out.

Subconsciously, all the heartbreak songs that we played and sang was like a depiction of what is feeling inside of me. And the tone of going high pitch really does provide a sense of stress relieved. After-all, the satisfaction and relaxation of going to a karaoke is really high in my opinion. It was a night that ended only in the wee hours at 3am. Nonetheless, I still thank the company of this 2 great brother to me.

After the relief, I started to see certain issues about myself clearer. Just some though. I haven't been a big believer of horoscope traits but there was once I watched on TV that caught my attention. 


The TV host mentioned that cancer guys are quite stubborn. Doesn't really happens much to girls but for guys, She said that it is likely that guys will not want any help rendered to them even if it can be quite a tough situation. She suggested this behavior due to the pride of a cancer. So, whether is it true or not, I'll let my friends decide.

For me, I find that a bitter truth. In a situation like now, I still couldn't accept the fact that i need help. Unlike my girlfriend whom I'm sure is being surrounded by her caring friends and sisters right now. I do envy such support from friends but to ask for such support coming from me, I simply can't.

Prideful if i may conclude should be the word i guess. "Cancer guys likes to solve their own problem alone." And I really see myself fitting of this sentence.

Although this is going to be a long, indefinite period of Cooling-Off period, I guess i should keep myself occupied with something. It might be too much to ask for myself to start sitting on my study table and reading texts. But I've received advices to start by doing something which i can concentrate more.

My goal doesn't changed but I found myself deviating from it. For now, I can only hope that I get my feelings sorted out and get my ass back onto the studying desk. After-all, that's the only way i can do to repay my parents, my girlfriend and ultimately, the benefactor of good results, ME!


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