Saturday, January 2, 2010

Prawn Noodles!

I drove my uncle's car to Harbourfront to Fetch Dar Dar from work yesterday!

Jimmy was around too and he directed me to McPherson road for their Famous Prawn Noodles which is very tasty!

I almost wanted to order a second Helping but lucky i didn't!

I'm suffering from Sore Throat and irritation now!

Just can't stop coughing. I guess the soup contains a high amount of MSG which is very unhealthy despite it being very tasty. =(

Anyway, after eating the prawn noodles, We drove to Rochor Road for their Beancurd!

Unfortunately, we didn't really buy alot because we were very full still!

After driving around the whole night, I eventually send Dar Dar home and i accompanied her for awhile since Cheryl wasn't at home! =)

I left at 3am!


My Prawn noodles!

Dar Dar

Concentrate on Driving


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