Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

I know i haven't been blogging here for 2 days and I apologize!

I had some sort of time disorder where i sleep around 4 - 5 am and wake up at 3pm this 2 days!

Firstly, I went to Clarke Quey with my RWS Colleagues to Welcome 2010!

I drove to town and lucky for me, There was an empty carpark slot for me when i arrived!

We had Long Johns Silver for dinner and we hang around Clarke and Boat quey!

Everywhere was crowded. People waiting to see the fireworks!

And at mid-night, We waited outside this Buggy Bar whereby they open up their dance floor to everybody!

We started to party, Dance and the music was good.

At around 1am, I left my colleagues and visited my Dar Dar to wish her a happy New Year too!

Her sister, Cheryl wasn't home yet so we thought might as well take a spin and drive her sister back home too!

However, The trip to Yishun wasn't all smooth! The whole of CTE was jammed due to many people heading home around 2am!

I haven't took much photos bcuz none of us brought a digital camera but I took some from my camera phone!

Which explains why my camera phone battery is almost flat at the end of the day!


Happy New Year Dar Dar!

(I wasn't in all the pictures because I'm the camera man!)

Jordan and Ming Xian

Ming Xian and Dexter

Atikah and Ming Xian

THE Ming Xian!

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