Monday, January 4, 2010

Movie date!

I'm suffering from running nose!!

HELP me! my nose is running away~ Arhhhh!!



I stayed home the whole day, only to leave home around 5.30pm to fetch my uncle at the airport.

My uncle's estimated arrival time in singapore is 6.30pm but i guess they arrived early than expected!

They're done stamping passport, collect luggage by 6.15pm!

And so my uncle offered me a ride to Harbourfront to meet Dar Dar!

Hehe. I had booked 4 tickets to Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 for Me, Dar Dar, Cheryl and her girlfriend.

Since i had reached early, I meet up with Dar Dar and shopped at Pet Safari.

As the name suggests, It's a PET STORE!!!

My Dar Dar likes small DOGS! and she wants her future dog to be as small as possible!

She asked me whether she can have a dog in the future after we get married and I say my mum dun like dogs.


But deep down, I actually wants a dog too! =)

Anyway, we had dinner at this Chinese restaurant which is consider cheap. 4 person for around $64.00 on the bill.


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