Thursday, January 7, 2010

Site Orientation and hair cut!

I'm very excited!

Today is the first day that i "touch down" on site at the Theme park!

Although the constructions are still on-going, i can already see all the attractions!

Oophs! I shall not spill any more beans for now!

Anyway, today was suppose to be a 1 hour paid assessment for us but we spent half a day there touring the ground and doing uniform fitting!

After everything is done, we returned back to harbourfont at 2pm! Heavily Starved!

However, we still have to go BATA shop to look for our shoe and there, we created alot of noise!

Since there's around 10 of us wanting to try our shoes, the salesperson was suddenly shocked!

After we were done trying, some of them bought, some have no stocks or no size.

And we move on to Banquet for our super duper late lunch!

I had Ban Mian, added fish slices to it and it was super good! The soup base is fantastic!

Then, the group dismissed, some gotta go home, some have chalet, some watch movie and i went on to meet my Dar Dar since she's free!

I had a haircut today as well! whoohoo!


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