Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Watched Avatar with jun Xiong and Terence after school today!

Initially wanted to watch the movie at Lot 1 but then the tickets were sold out completely!

So, upon reaching home, we found out that there are seats available at Jurong Point or Woodlands, We choose Woodlands.

Next, The movie starts at 10pm and is expected to end aroudn 12.45am!

By then, there will not be any Public transport and so i decide to call my Uncle whether i can borrow his car for tonight's Late night movie!

By the way, My uncle is going to celebrate his New Year Countdown at Hong KONG!

Thus, I'll get to drive his car until this sunday!! Whoohoo!







Monday, December 28, 2009

Bak Kut Teh!

I meet up with Dar Dar after meeting my RWS's colleagues.

When i was there, Almost Everybody turned up! =X

Short of our Ms. Mei Qin and Dar Dar gets everybody to send her home!

Anyway, we initially wanted to have Prawn Noodles from Macpherson Road but then It wasn't open!

We had drove part of the CTE to get there and we were a little disappointed.

Then, Jimmy wanted to go Mustafa to get some Drawing Supplies for his job!

So we drove to little India and eventually went to Balastier for their Famous Bak Kut Teh which i find it super delicious!

The price is super expensive too but i can assure you the quality is of the highest!

There were many celebrities photo with the boss as testimonial of how good the shop is!

I got to drive Jimmy's Lorry for awhile after sending Cheryl's Girlfriend home.

It was a bit wield because i wasn't used to have no seats belt at all!

But, to sum up the whole day, IT was a very Fun, Chaotic, Delicious day!


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Dinner!

Dar Dar slept over at my place after dropping by from work around 10pm!

We had a private countdown at home with only the 2 of us! =)

We watch tv, Search for a few songs on the internet and then we went to bed because Dar Dar have to work the next day.

This is the first time that Dar Dar is going to work from my house and it didn't turn out well.

We set our alarm clock to 9 am in the morning which eventually we both switched it off instead of snoozing it.

So, She jumped up at around 9.45am and shouted at me,

"Dar Dar! It's 10am liao! Why you never wake me up?!"

I was like, "Oh, Shit!"

Eventually, we rushed here and there, got Dar Dar into a cab and she's late for work by 20 minutes!


In the evening, Jimmy came and he drove us to Thompson for this very delicious Fish Steamboat. We ordered a Seasonal red groupie fish that eventually cost $41!

But I got to say, Compared to what i've tasted the first time, This is 100 times better!

The fish slices were fresh and in a very thick and big portion!

We have a very filling meal and I'll let the pictures to the rest of the talking!

Maybe I'll bring my friends and family there for dinner in the future! =)


Jimmy Munching away!

See the big fish slices?!

Very evenly sliced and looking fresh!

Dar Dar

Me and Dar Dar!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve & Christmas Day!

It's 24 December!

6 Years ago, I got to know my Dar Dar from the then Popular Internet platform, Friendster!

I was 16 then and just came back from a simple celebration with my Poly friends and i just logged into Friendster to see that i have friend request from My Dar Dar!

Hehe. Then, I did not really think much but just accept that request and we went on to get each other's msn.

From Msn, She started asking me for my Mobile number which i thought no harm giving away.

We chatted awhile for the first night and then I remember that i have class the second day so i slept early.

Next night, We chatted more 4 hours until around 4am in the morning and then i went to sleep.

It was a friday if i remember correctly and the conversation switched to her asking whether I want to meet her!

I was shocked but having attended Church with some of my christian friend for 3 weekends consecutively, I thought i might have a change and meet this girl whom i chat with for 2 days.

So, I went down to HarbourFront where she worked and waited outside her workplace.

Not long later, I saw 2 girls walking towards me. One was Dar Dar and the other one turns out to be Cindy, her colleague i should say.

I thought i just found a "Ah-lian" then when i saw her hair in 2 tones! Brown on the top and blue/green colour at the split ends of the hair! OMG!

I wasn't a very bad boy although i had gold hair then.

It was a attempt to dye my hair ASH color gone wrong and the lady just tell me that this is ASH!

And i thought it was a little to bright but that's the past, I love the outcome anyway.

My Dar Dar love it too, But not the Lecturers!

The school lecturers were very skeptical of my hair and they told me that if i do not cut it, I CANNOT TAKE my examinations!

Nonetheless, Everything happens for a reason. I know i couldn't have that kind of hair length and style for school.

It was Inappropriate for a Business school student! Haha!

Anway I'm glad I get to know my Dar Dar!


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Pre-Christmas Eve!

Today's 23rd dec!

1 day before Christmas eve, and I'm one more day nearer to the end of my job training!


I had my written and role play assessment today and I'm glad to say that i did pretty well.

Especially my role play which i didn't expect myself to start "bull-shitting" to my "Customer"!

Sometimes, Retail needs a little bit of that Bull-shit skills,

I make up a water bottle that could be act as a thermal-flask!

And after that, I just went on to say something much more than just what a normal water bottle have!

Anyway, It's already over and I'm glad that i have only 1 more important lesson and that is the handling of the cashiering system and I'm graduated!

Yesterday, I didn't have a really good chat with my dar dar and i have to apologize for my busy schedule especially coming into the festive period when i have to throw in my self-study of my University class due to me missing some lessons.

And on top of that, I'm also In-charge of preparing the Christmas Eve's dinner and Boxing day's event organizer!

So its 1 week that is super cramped out for me. And i would like to thank you for your understanding.


Big specs Dar Dar

Kissing the "Bride"

I'll Stare at you all day!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Cooking Pasta!

I Cooked Pasta for dinner tonight!

1 person's portion with shrimps and bacon!

It was very nice!

I love it!

Partly got to come from the ready-made sauce.

There wasn't a sour smell of vinegar from the bottle i got previously.

The taste was good and I even let my mum, cousin and sister tried when they returned home consecutively!

Today is a tiring day for me again, But i will hang on.

Good thing about tomorrow is that I'll probably finish my training around 2pm to 3pm. Good or good?



My home-cooked Pasta!

Dar Dar

Singapore River

Random shot @ my classroom!

Long long day!

I had to attend night class after my job training!

Although i saw it coming when i had plan to do this last week, I just experienced the tiredness rushing through me!

Nonetheless, I'm glad that i did not give in!

I stayed on till i finished the lecture and left at the breaktime since after the break was only tutorial discussion which wasn't even supposed to be my lecture timeslot.

So, naturely, I left and went on a Christmas shopping trip for my unfinished presents!

After shopping, I came home!

*Good Job Wei Hao!*


Video done by my Dar Dar!

Cool huh?!


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Family gathering day

Woke up around 12pm today and find myself and my sister at home.

In the afternoon, my mum and sister went to visit my grandma at the hospital.

Then, I was surfing the internet to source for recipe of Pasta Sauce.

Since i need to cook Pasta for all my relatives this coming thursday, 24 Dec.

It is a christmas eve family gathering plus maybe a countdown party!

I'll be working half-day and will go over to my uncle's house around 5pm to prepare the food.

I just came back from the supermarket with my parents.

And i can say that i have gotten quite alot.

I'll be preparing to cook a bit on tuesday just to see how it taste.

Dun wanna cook without testing before hand and in the end it turns out a disaster!

Gonna call my Dar Dar soon,


My Un-Glam picture! =(

Dar Dar punched me! =(

Happy New year, Pull your ear!

My Color hair!

Lazy Post!

Today is a rest day for me!

Despite being woken up by a call from DBS, I carried on sleeping.

I just had to sleep in today! haha.

Afternoon, I had a simple lunch and i facebook for like 2 hours before going to visit my Grandma at the hospital.

My Grandma have been admitted to hopsital after having a bad fall.

Anyway, I noticed that the link to my blog song is broken and I'll fix it tomorrow.

Like i say, Today is a REST day for me and I'll go ReST now!

Love Dar Dar =)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Thank God It's Friday (TGIF)

As the title stated, TGIF!

TGIF = Thank God, It's Frieday!

You may ask why I'm pleased that friday have arrived but what i can tell you is that today marks the End of a week of Training!

For the past 5 days, I've been sleeping late and waking up early!

I slept for about 3 to 5 hours daily and Having training of 8 to 9 hours!

So, the main point is that I'm glad that the weekend is here!

I can finally sleep till 10 or 12 in the afternoon tomorrow!

As you've noticed, I Changed the Blog Song! And This song have been stucked in my head for quite a while.

So, I hope you enjoy the song~

hehe, Time to call my Dar Dar le!


Friday, December 18, 2009

心跳 - 王力宏

心跳 - 王力宏

作词 : 王力宏 易家扬 作曲 : 王力宏

制作 QQ:

想跟我吵架 我没那么无聊
不懂得道歉 我没那么聪明

你又在哭泣 我给不了安慰
我又在摇头 有那么点后悔
爱情的发展已难以回头 却无法往前走


你的眼神充满美丽 带走我的心跳
你的温柔如此靠近 带走我的心跳
逆转时光到一开始 能不能给一秒

想跟我吵架 我没那么无聊
不懂得道歉 我没那么聪明


你的眼神充满美丽 带走我的心跳
你的温柔如此靠近 带走我的心跳
逆转时光到一开始 能不能给一秒

你的眼神充满美丽 带走我的心跳
你的温柔如此靠近 带走我的心跳
逆转时光到一开始 能不能给一秒

Maybe a short post?

I am late for work today, again!

This time, I have to pay a fine of $2.50 for being late for 5 minutes! OMG!

Anyway, Training is fun today!

I also just found out that the training that i'm attending is going to be certified by WorkForce Development Agency (WDA)!

Basically, I get paid for training, and i get a free Certificate! Good or good? FANTASTIC!


It's been a long day for me so I'll rest early for now.

Tomorrow's friday and I'll get my Weekend break! Whoohhoo!


My Dar Dar @ Jimmy's house

Dar Dar's eye-ball!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hair Cut day!

The training gets on to the 3rd day!

Again, We're being divided into separate groups again!

And I got to know more friends!

The 2 day Orientation course was just a starter but now the discipline gets tough!

I got told to cut my hair by one of the assistant manager there.

This training session is very interesting in the sense that the whole class consist of not just the Sales Associates, We got Assistant Manager and Store Manager training with me too!

And I'm fortunate to get to know 1 Manager and 2 assistant manager!

No disrespect to their position they hold but when the Company is new, Everybody starts on equal ground!

And thats the beauty of the nature, I get to talk to these managers like a friend than a boss! We played Team building games together and We dun feel a Gap between us despite them being your superior!

Tonight Dar Dar is going Clubbing so I guess I'll not get to talk to her tonight.

Have Fun and Take Care!


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A "Uneasy" feeling!

First of all, I've changed the blog song! Whoohoo!

My sister told me that JJ Lin got a new song so Might as well put it up here to listen for awhile.

(If you dun like the song, Do let me know okay?!)

Today's my 2nd day for my Job training! You can consider the first day as an "Impression Building day" with everybody being in their own COMFORT ZONE!

But then today is a little different, We get to know each other a little more! There are 120 people in my training slot and We were tasked to play a team-building game which we Barely complete!

Anyway, from the team-building game, I got to know 3 new friends today!

I felt that If we're going to be together as a "CLASS" for the next 8 more days of training, We should maybe know each other and treat this like a BIG classroom!

Then, We could have more fun learning and also enjoying the process of it!

Anyway, I expect my Dar Dar to post some very Unglam photos of me here!

So stay on your seats and dun be shocked when you see it!!


林俊杰 - 第几个100天

林俊杰 - 第几个100天

作词: 姚若龙 作曲: 林俊杰

我 把爱铺成蓝天
让不安的你 一抬头就看得见
我 把心烧成火焰
让怕黑的你 拥着温暖入眠

我晓得 时间如雪 有时候会覆盖一切
但是真爱 一如倔强会重生的绿叶

第几个100天 还是很有感觉
用眼睛去素描 你内心的世界
第几个100天 也像刚热恋
两个人手一牵 连命运都改变

我 把心烧成火焰
让怕黑的你 拥着温暖入眠

我晓得 时间如雪 有时候会覆盖一切
但是真爱 一如倔强会重生的绿叶

第几个100天 还是很有感觉
用眼睛去素描 你内心的世界
第几个100天 也像刚热恋
两个人手一牵 连命运都改变

在我的胸口 你就躺下来别说了

第几个100天 越来越有感觉
用眼睛去素描 你内心的世界
管过多少100天 也像刚热恋
两个人手一牵 连命运都改变
当守护变信念 连泪水都很甜

First day @ Training!

I woke up 6Am after sleeping only 3 hours plus!

I felt as though My eyes were just shut for awhile and I got to wake up again!

But Surprisingly, I wasn't that tired at that time.

I left home early and I got there before the expected time of 8 a.m.

My training ended early at 3Pm and I rushed down to School for my Macro Class!

It was a class that i missed the second part of the lecture!

After lesson, I meet Dar Dar for dinner!

And Mei Qin plus Cheryl Came!

So it's 4 person and we went to a place call Just Acia!

I've got to say, Even throwing in the free drinks and ice-cream, The food there (Main Course) is still on a poor to average level.

All i could say is that the place is useful for students who wants to study for long and the restaurant is located at a less prominent place. (Dhoby Exchange)

So, By paying for the cheapest meal set at $5.90 for their sub-standard food i would say, They get Free Flow of drinks to accommodate with their studying! Good or good? GOOD!

Back to topic, We had dinner and after dinner, we Hang out for awhile at the MRT station Exit A.

Talking about Christmas, I got my presents shopping going already! I hope i can finish getting the stuffs and then move on to focus on other issues.


Dar Dar taking Photo

Cheryl's Snob Face

Cheryl taking Photo and Mei Qin's Smiling at my camera!

Random Shot!

Un-GLAM girls~

Mei Qin looks like she's mediating!