Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Dinner!

Dar Dar slept over at my place after dropping by from work around 10pm!

We had a private countdown at home with only the 2 of us! =)

We watch tv, Search for a few songs on the internet and then we went to bed because Dar Dar have to work the next day.

This is the first time that Dar Dar is going to work from my house and it didn't turn out well.

We set our alarm clock to 9 am in the morning which eventually we both switched it off instead of snoozing it.

So, She jumped up at around 9.45am and shouted at me,

"Dar Dar! It's 10am liao! Why you never wake me up?!"

I was like, "Oh, Shit!"

Eventually, we rushed here and there, got Dar Dar into a cab and she's late for work by 20 minutes!


In the evening, Jimmy came and he drove us to Thompson for this very delicious Fish Steamboat. We ordered a Seasonal red groupie fish that eventually cost $41!

But I got to say, Compared to what i've tasted the first time, This is 100 times better!

The fish slices were fresh and in a very thick and big portion!

We have a very filling meal and I'll let the pictures to the rest of the talking!

Maybe I'll bring my friends and family there for dinner in the future! =)


Jimmy Munching away!

See the big fish slices?!

Very evenly sliced and looking fresh!

Dar Dar

Me and Dar Dar!

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