Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve & Christmas Day!

It's 24 December!

6 Years ago, I got to know my Dar Dar from the then Popular Internet platform, Friendster!

I was 16 then and just came back from a simple celebration with my Poly friends and i just logged into Friendster to see that i have friend request from My Dar Dar!

Hehe. Then, I did not really think much but just accept that request and we went on to get each other's msn.

From Msn, She started asking me for my Mobile number which i thought no harm giving away.

We chatted awhile for the first night and then I remember that i have class the second day so i slept early.

Next night, We chatted more 4 hours until around 4am in the morning and then i went to sleep.

It was a friday if i remember correctly and the conversation switched to her asking whether I want to meet her!

I was shocked but having attended Church with some of my christian friend for 3 weekends consecutively, I thought i might have a change and meet this girl whom i chat with for 2 days.

So, I went down to HarbourFront where she worked and waited outside her workplace.

Not long later, I saw 2 girls walking towards me. One was Dar Dar and the other one turns out to be Cindy, her colleague i should say.

I thought i just found a "Ah-lian" then when i saw her hair in 2 tones! Brown on the top and blue/green colour at the split ends of the hair! OMG!

I wasn't a very bad boy although i had gold hair then.

It was a attempt to dye my hair ASH color gone wrong and the lady just tell me that this is ASH!

And i thought it was a little to bright but that's the past, I love the outcome anyway.

My Dar Dar love it too, But not the Lecturers!

The school lecturers were very skeptical of my hair and they told me that if i do not cut it, I CANNOT TAKE my examinations!

Nonetheless, Everything happens for a reason. I know i couldn't have that kind of hair length and style for school.

It was Inappropriate for a Business school student! Haha!

Anway I'm glad I get to know my Dar Dar!


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