Friday, December 11, 2009

Sizzling Rock, Sizzling Love!

I enjoyed my Date with Dar Dar today.

We went to Watson to do shopping for some necessities but it turned out that we spent more!

We tried out every single tester product they have on hair.

And yes, i was the Model to test on!

We also research about the Acne facial wash, Pimple preventive solutions and other product to SAVE my Dar dar's face!

Eventually, We spent close to $70 in the shop!

Then, We went home and i called Sizzling Rock to reserve a table for 4!

It was quite a unique dinner which we had raw steaks on a Hot Sizzling stone which sort of like the concept of PepperLunch!

we cook our steak on the Stone itself! COOL or cool? COOL!

Pictures says a thousands word and I'll let the pictures do the talking.

And After dinner, We hang around Boat Quey to enjoy the night view of the SINGAPORE River!

It was very beautiful and very windy too!

We ended our Date with Lots of Photos and Memories!


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