Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Troubled Day

The music was too dull for the girls. So I decided to change a new song, 袁咏琳 周杰伦 - 画沙.

Although i love the Song: "You Never Walk Alone" a lot, I know i have to compromise.

Anyway i find Jay's new song quite catchy too.

Last night i said something which turn out disastrous. I have to admit that it was my fault in the first place who told Dar Dar about Chang Da wanting to dye his hair.

Due to her workplace ethics, Dar Dar wasn't able to help Chang Da for free. Especially to have her doing it using her workplace's facilities.

That i got to admit again that, It is indefinitely my fault not to check with Dar Dar before telling Chang Da about it.

But since things have already happened, I'm not going to look back. Life is all about moving forward.

I'll probably pay for Chang Da's expense if need to since i had already told him not to worry about the cost.

"Sometimes, Man have to pay for the mistake they made. For me, I'll pay for my mistake and inform Chang Da that you'll have to pay for my Dar Dar's service in the future."

It hurts to say that but i guess this is my Punishment. I acted before consulting my Dar Dar and sort of promised CD about everything will be alright.

For me, Paying is a small matter but the thought of last night really disappointed me.

Little did i expect that my pillar of support wasn't supportive of me anymore.

It was almost a crash of Capitalism and Communism. The school of thoughts just blew me away.

I had to back away before the argument got heated up.

I spent the whole day thinking and wondering how to bridge in the gap between us. But i am nowhere there.

I guess it's only through socializing will i understand more.

It's not easy but I know i just have to keep trying.

I know i am being very mean by saying all this but we can't progress if things remain as it is.

Your saying " I do not want to be too close to you because i do not want to get hurt" Makes me wonder where should i go next. But after a afternoon of self-searching, this is what i want to reply you:

"If i am only out to have a night with you, and you reject me, You have nothing to lose!"


"If, here i am, trying to bridge our gap and difference by getting you to open up more, and you reject, You have everything to lose!"

I know I feel stupid laughing when i am as a very negative situation now but This is the PERIOD that i should stay POSITIVE even more!

I'm not sharing any business concept here but just normal motivation statement.

"Nothing has a meaning until you give it one"

If you think that there will be A lot of challenges ahead, your mind will preset yourself to get ready for challenges which eventually what you will get.

If you set your mind that everything is going to be smooth, your mind will preset your thinking that this is not a problem at all and eventually what you will get will be problem-FREE!

I have written quiet a bit today and i should be sending you another sms soon.

Till you forgive me,

I'll be here.


Me and Dar Dar at my 21st birthday!

1 comment:

  1. hey, do u really noe wat the matter?
    answer NO..
    sorry be too forward..
    the shop is not hers den after wrk oso gt
    her colleagues ar..
    den wat she do oso got ppl see den if they not happy den go complain did u think of tis?
