Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A "Uneasy" feeling!

First of all, I've changed the blog song! Whoohoo!

My sister told me that JJ Lin got a new song so Might as well put it up here to listen for awhile.

(If you dun like the song, Do let me know okay?!)

Today's my 2nd day for my Job training! You can consider the first day as an "Impression Building day" with everybody being in their own COMFORT ZONE!

But then today is a little different, We get to know each other a little more! There are 120 people in my training slot and We were tasked to play a team-building game which we Barely complete!

Anyway, from the team-building game, I got to know 3 new friends today!

I felt that If we're going to be together as a "CLASS" for the next 8 more days of training, We should maybe know each other and treat this like a BIG classroom!

Then, We could have more fun learning and also enjoying the process of it!

Anyway, I expect my Dar Dar to post some very Unglam photos of me here!

So stay on your seats and dun be shocked when you see it!!


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