Tuesday, December 15, 2009

First day @ Training!

I woke up 6Am after sleeping only 3 hours plus!

I felt as though My eyes were just shut for awhile and I got to wake up again!

But Surprisingly, I wasn't that tired at that time.

I left home early and I got there before the expected time of 8 a.m.

My training ended early at 3Pm and I rushed down to School for my Macro Class!

It was a class that i missed the second part of the lecture!

After lesson, I meet Dar Dar for dinner!

And Mei Qin plus Cheryl Came!

So it's 4 person and we went to a place call Just Acia!

I've got to say, Even throwing in the free drinks and ice-cream, The food there (Main Course) is still on a poor to average level.

All i could say is that the place is useful for students who wants to study for long and the restaurant is located at a less prominent place. (Dhoby Exchange)

So, By paying for the cheapest meal set at $5.90 for their sub-standard food i would say, They get Free Flow of drinks to accommodate with their studying! Good or good? GOOD!

Back to topic, We had dinner and after dinner, we Hang out for awhile at the MRT station Exit A.

Talking about Christmas, I got my presents shopping going already! I hope i can finish getting the stuffs and then move on to focus on other issues.


Dar Dar taking Photo

Cheryl's Snob Face

Cheryl taking Photo and Mei Qin's Smiling at my camera!

Random Shot!

Un-GLAM girls~

Mei Qin looks like she's mediating!

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