Sunday, December 20, 2009

Family gathering day

Woke up around 12pm today and find myself and my sister at home.

In the afternoon, my mum and sister went to visit my grandma at the hospital.

Then, I was surfing the internet to source for recipe of Pasta Sauce.

Since i need to cook Pasta for all my relatives this coming thursday, 24 Dec.

It is a christmas eve family gathering plus maybe a countdown party!

I'll be working half-day and will go over to my uncle's house around 5pm to prepare the food.

I just came back from the supermarket with my parents.

And i can say that i have gotten quite alot.

I'll be preparing to cook a bit on tuesday just to see how it taste.

Dun wanna cook without testing before hand and in the end it turns out a disaster!

Gonna call my Dar Dar soon,


My Un-Glam picture! =(

Dar Dar punched me! =(

Happy New year, Pull your ear!

My Color hair!

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