Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Going to the Bank!

I was woken up by a "wrong number" call by this auntie whom keep asking me whether i sell electric appliances?!

I told her that you got the wrong number! and then she verify my number to be 9005***9 and i told her again, "YA! wrong number!" haha

After that she hung up and i went back to sleep.

I then woke up at 1030 to shower and immediately, I received calls from QQ, Chang Da and Jun Xiong!

I can understand JX calling me bcuz i'm suppose to meet him. But QQ and Chang da's call is totally unexpected! QQ asked me to accompany him to photocopy notes in the afternoon and Chang Da asked me to have lunch with him since he was working nearby my house.

In the end, I told him i meeting Jun Xiong and we 3 had lunch together.

Me and Jun xiong went to DBS to get their new Black Platinum card which also acts like an ATM card.

This card is like wad POSB's Go! card! No annual fees and comes with VISA! Good or good? GOOD!

whats better is that it have a 0.3% rebate for all the spending you did on this card!

So imagine my biggest expense is to pay my school fees of $3000 (which is unlikely to be that cheap!)

i get an rebate of $3! whoohoo! Fantastic!

And if i use this card for all my expense! i think i'll at least save some money! haha.

I also went to my lecturer today to ask him for his class schedule so that i can join him at other time slot to accommodate with my job training which starts next week.

But guess what?! I got rejected! *So angry!*

He asked me to email to the Admin and get permission before i can attend class at other time slot! *!@@##$%^*

Then i got to the Student Service Helpdesk and sent in a email to request for help and guess what that guy told me?!


*I'm like, OMG!, By the time the admin replied me, any possible class that i can crash illegally would have been over!

So now, I seriously hope that the admin will give me a call tml!

If not, please don't blame me for doing things my own way!


Btw dar dar told me she lost our couple ring. *Sob SOB*

Hope you dun feel too down okay?!

I'm sure we can find it back de!

And if all else fails, I'll buy you a new one! Since dar dar also complaint about my ring being very dirty and not nice anymore!

okay, Gonna end here le.

Will call dar dar now!


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