Saturday, December 12, 2009

Last Accounting lesson for the year 2009!

Today happen to be the last Accounting class that i'll attend for the rest of the year! whoohoo!

Due to the Major Festive holiday both fell on friday, thus, I have NO lesson at all.

Today i received a SMS from Dar Dar to help her get Eye Lash because it was considered cheap from her point of view.

I also dunno why she would need that many pair of Eye lash but guess it's considered Beauty Expense too!

So, Today I went down to meet Dar Dar for supper after my Invigilation that i got Last minute from Kang An.

We had Fish-head Steamboat which i find it average only! Maybe because i don't really like to eat fish, Let alone FISH-HEAD!

However, my Dar Dar like eating fish and so they finish up eveything while i just drink the soup!

Tomorrow I'm helping out my Aunt to move her house.

Gotta sleep early.


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