Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hair Cut day!

The training gets on to the 3rd day!

Again, We're being divided into separate groups again!

And I got to know more friends!

The 2 day Orientation course was just a starter but now the discipline gets tough!

I got told to cut my hair by one of the assistant manager there.

This training session is very interesting in the sense that the whole class consist of not just the Sales Associates, We got Assistant Manager and Store Manager training with me too!

And I'm fortunate to get to know 1 Manager and 2 assistant manager!

No disrespect to their position they hold but when the Company is new, Everybody starts on equal ground!

And thats the beauty of the nature, I get to talk to these managers like a friend than a boss! We played Team building games together and We dun feel a Gap between us despite them being your superior!

Tonight Dar Dar is going Clubbing so I guess I'll not get to talk to her tonight.

Have Fun and Take Care!


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